Vitec in the Netherlands
Did you know that:
- we are around 100 people working in the Netherlands
- our first Dutch acquisition was made in 2021
- we have made 4 more acquisitions here since then
About Vitec in the Netherlands
Vitec Software Group is a leading provider of Vertical Software and has its origin and headquarters in Umeå, Sweden. Our products have been developed to meet specific needs within various niche markets in society. Our Group consists of many independent business units and we all share the will to contribute to society by business critical products. Our co-workers’ expertise and engagement, in combination with our shared corporate culture and business model, is what makes this possible. We grow by our companies’ success and through acquisitions. Everything we do, we do with a long-term perspective. Because our customers rely on us – today and tomorrow. Find out more at
Founded in
SEK 3 626 million